Wednesday, July 13, 2011


dari jam, minit, saat n detik tok...
aku akan hapuskan nama ko dlm hidupku..
xmok ku gago hal ko gik...
x mendtgkan faedah pun...
aku x tauk la apa hebatnya kau sampey aku
owez feel anxiety thdp kau...
bkn salah kau pun...tpi salah masa silam kau..
yg secara x lgsg telah menyusahkan aku...
k lah...
say a big GOODBYE to u...
adios amogis n berambos....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

kembali pulang....

its very long time i play hide and seek...
from what, i myself dont know...
but i expect my life become better and better..lets check it out..
is my life become better or not...
come with me....

terus maju ke depan